Monday, 8 March 2010

Tuesday 9th March in the PIS

This week, the Political Interest Society will meet again at
1pm Tuesday in Alice Hoy 102 for biscuits and arguments. After
2pm we will then wander down to the
Prince Alfred Hotel on Grattan

English as the national language
Should we make English the national language of Australia? Should
non-English speaking migrants be expected to meet a minimum
standard of fluency in English? Should bilingual education be
allowed? If we get bored with this, we can talk about the national
curriculum instead.

Do we need state government?
If the federal government can step in and take over the running of
hospitals, traditionally the territory of state governments, what
will be next? Are state governments necessary, or do we just hold
onto them for sentimental reasons of state identity? Might we be
better off with a two-level system of government?

Israel: should we scrap it and start over?
I think that's pretty self-explanatory.

Things we think might be bullshit: Marriage
For years there's been ongoing noise about giving same-sex couples
equal marriage rights with heterosexual couples. But really, what
use is marriage? Might equality be achieved more easily by
scrapping marriage altogether?

If you think the above topics are absurd and I must be losing my
mind, good news! In two months or so we will have the club's Annual
General Meeting, where you will have the chance to replace me with a
less ridiculous President. You could even run for a position yourself
and help the club to be more spectacular.

Even if you can't make the meeting at 1, feel free to join us at
PA's any time after that - you can tell which table is us because
of the Centenary of Federation Commemorative Biscuit Tin on the
table. Unless someone runs away with it. Then you'll be able to
tell which table is the PIS because there'll be a short girl
drinking beer and shouting at everyone. (That's me.) I may also
be drinking beer and shouting anyway, but please don't let that
put you off. I'm very friendly.

By the way, a note for all our members: if there's a topic you
really want to talk about in a meeting, feel free to email me and
ask me to put it on the agenda. I may not put it on the next week,
but I try to include all topics that are requested by members as
long as they're sensible. And sometimes even silly ones. For
example, the first topic this week was requested by Simon.
(It helps if you give me a question, though, and not just "I think
we should talk about Israel." That's how we end up with topics like
"Israel: should we scrap it and start over?")

Madame President

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