Tuesday, 16 March 2010

The Blog

The PIS has a blog!! Yes that's right, we are with the times and this interweb crazy thing!

Heritage members may actively recall the blog has been in existence for some time, but it has fallen a little silent recently, but now back it comes.

All info on PIS events and general happenings will be published on the blog.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to encourage all members, new and old, to feel free to post on the blog anything in particular you fancy about politics, just ask Megan or myself to add you to the contributors list. This way if you just can't wait til the next tuesday to say your piece, you can do it immediately, and hopefully we can facilitate discussion even over those periods where (shock horror) the PIS doesn't meet, a la holidays :)

Whether you wish to pose a question, or have your say on a particular event, or what have you, you are welcome to do so.

So pop http://mupis.blogspot.com on your favourites list and keep your eyes peeled for everything new and interesting :)


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