Monday, 11 May 2009

This week in the PIS

The Political Interest Society will meet at midday this Tuesday in Doug McDonell 711 to watch TV. From 1pm we will hold the usual bitching-and-biscuits meeting, where we will discuss:

Defence white paper
The government's white paper on defence has caused a bit of a stir. Is an expansion of our military warranted or necessary? Is there a risk of a country the size of Australia fuelling an arms race, as some have suggested?

Medicare and IVF
Funding for IVF treatment through Medicare may soon be reduced. Is IVF treatment something that should be fully funded?

Jumps racing
Dangerous and cruel, or a good way to keep retired racehorses occupied?

Branch stacking
Following the revelations of corruption in Brimbank Council, branch-stacking is starting to look like a widespread problem in Australian politics. Are we concerned about branch-stacking? Is this kind of corruption inevitable in representative democracy?

Followed by a trip to the pub, where we will eat, drink and be merry until we run out of change

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