Wednesday 20 June 2007

Never ending story

As long as there are civil rights to be taken away, the universal excuse 911 will be used. Like it happened in the last six years while about a million people were killed as retaliation in Iraq and Afghanistan.

A lot of people all over this planet doubt the official account of the day that changed the world. But as long as they are just someone, most people won't listen. The list of prominent people asking for a reinvestigation of 911 gets longer.

Rosie O'Donnell lost her chance to talk about the mysterious collapse of WTC7 on the show The View, she left the show in June. The left documentarist Michael Moore joined now the ranks of those thinking that 911 could have been an inside job.

Moore mentions explosions in the World Trade Center buildings, and wonders why we haven't seen any footage from the more than 100 video cameras capturing the Pentagon. Explosions were reported by several eye witnesses, yet the most confusing eyewitness account just broke.

Jason Bermat and Dylan Avery, the heads behind Loose Change, one of the most popular Google video since its existence, chased up somebody who has been in official mission in WTC7 just after the first plane crash into the north tower of the WTC.

Parts of the interview have been prereleased on Alex Jones Prison Planet, the interviewee will remain anonymous until the final release of Loose Change, which is due later this year.

Mr. X wanted to see Mr. Guiliani in the New York City Office of Emergency Management, which was located on a fortified floor with bombproof windows on the 23rd floor of WTC 7. Just minutes after the first hit the emergency team has fled their control center in an apparent hurry.

The lifts were no longer operating, on the way down via a staircase he nearly fell into the gap ripped by an explosion. When he finally made his way into the lobby, "it looked like King Kong stepped through it and destroyed all".

Mr. X had been talking to the 911 commission, but his account was ignored in the report. Of course, you can imagine that this is nothing but a marketing scam for a long expected film. I'm quite curious which celebrity will come out of the closet after Michael Moore and this new evidence.

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