Tuesday 9 January 2007

Blood for oil?

Finally, Operation Iraqi Liberation, the original name for the invasion of Iraq by the Coalition of the Greedy, oops, Coalition of the Drillers, oops again, Coalition of the Willing (to sacrifice international and human rights) has shown its real purpose.

I'm not really surprised to catch the American government with yet another lie. Allegedly the most valuable resource of Iraq, oil, should help to finance the reconstruction of the devastated country. This was at least the spin from Cheney & Co to excuse incarceration of innocents in Guantanamo Bay, torture in Abu Ghraib, random slaughtering of civilians and raping of women and children by the occupation forces.

Now the puppet government in Iraq, which already had a favorable timing to sentence Saddam (just before the election) and killing him (just when about 3,000 US troops were officially killed), gave away its oil wells.

The Independent published a report detailing how the oil industry, which was nationalized in 1972, is handed over to the evil overlords, ooops, liberators of Iraq.

I wonder how long Australia will feel comfortable being in bed with the American war criminals, as all the myths that eased an Australian engagement in Iraq crumble away like castles made of sand. WMDs? No, none there. Al-Quaida connections? Not while Saddam was in power. Human rights? That's what the Military Commission Act officially got rid of, so that torturers working for the US can no longer be prosecuted.

What remains, is blatant corporate greed, and Australian soldiers, who engage in the robbery of oil in Iraq. And of course, Alex Downer, who just can't get enough of Australian involvement in this bloody, unjust occupation.

Trust your government, it wants just your best. Your blood, your life, your integrity and your money.

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