Thursday 4 August 2005

The quintessential blog welcome post.

Welcome to the Political Interest Society's official blog. Every Wednesday at 1pm, a smattering of Melbourne University students, of varying ages and degrees, assemble in Room 325/6 of the Alice Hoy Building. The President tends to be preoccupied with the biscuit tin in these early moments, while other members sit down in a rough circle of chairs, with Age's intermingled with the odd Australian or Economist resting on their laps. The President announces 'we'll wait a few minutes for more people to arrive', during which no people arrive; the President then announces 'we'll just get started then', and does, and immediately the steady trickle of people through the door resumes. For an hour club members pontificate grand political opinions, examine minute policy details, brood, smile, nod or shake their heads; and then all disperse to various lecture theatres, tutorial rooms and libraries around campus.
Now, the magical atmosphere of a PIS Wednesday meeting will be - hopefully - recreated online, for the entire cyberspace-dwelling world to enjoy. Watch this blog.

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