Ed and Elaine Brown from Plainfield, New Hampshire look just just like the nice, friendly, elderly couple that they are.
The Browns believe in the American constitution, and like many others they despise the 23rd December 1913, when President Wilson signed the
Federal Reserve Act, which handed the privilege to print money to a handful private banks.
As a consequence the government pays the Federal Reserve to print its money and interest for the connected loans. In the US, the income tax is used to pay for the cost arising for the circulation of money, and the IRS is the muscle used to get it.
The IRS claims that the congress had given them the power to collect income tax, but according to the constitution the congress has not the power to introduce such a tax.
Aaron Russo, the maker of the documentary
America: From freedom to fascism took his time to investigate to strange legal situation of the income tax.
The Browns refuse to pay take income tax, because they assume that the constitution has highest legal authority. But the IRS stroke back. Their home is besieged since last week with armored vehicles, drones spy out their properties, snipers creep around their house.
Just a coincidence might have saved their lives when a SWAT team was about to move in on thursday morning. Danny Riley, a friend of the Browns, discovered the teams
while walking their dog.
Electricity to the house is disrupted, phonelines disconnected and mobile phones get jammed. Several independent reporters have interviewed the Browns, while the rest of media shows no interest at all. The armoured vehicles and SWAT teams still hang around.
This style of law enforcements reminds of overly violent Hollywood movies, but not of a free society. The free American society, however, has been abolished with the
Military Commission Act of 2006.
The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive finally grants the American President the right to introduce martial law when he like it.
Naomi Campbell joins those concerned about the
slide towards fascism in the US. Her article inspired retired judge Peter Gebhard to reflect about the
shutting down of democracy in Australia.
America is well prepared for a dictatorship, Halliburton received last year a $385 million
contract to build detention centers in the US. And Australia builds its own Guantanamo-like facility far out on Christmas Island.
Your vote is a valuable thing. What you say often enough becomes true. And I hope the siege of Ed and Elaine Browns home will not to be next the Waco, but so far the publicity, especially by
Alex Jones radio show, has prevented anything bad happening.